Launching Ruppert Legal

After being at a crossroads for several months, I made the difficult decision to take a leap into the unknown and resign from my previous role even before I had a definite next step. With my ongoing desire to help people and make a positive difference in their lives, it did not take me long to gain some clarity and decide on the pathway I would like to pursue. Within a few short months of resigning, an idea that started off as a flickering thought had grown and developed into a business – Ruppert Legal was born.

Its’s funny how several things that were completely out of my control all lined up neatly to point me in this direction. I am grateful for all my past experiences since I entered the workforce at age 16 and more recently, the steep learning curve and personal growth opportunities which I encountered in my previous role. The combination of all these experiences has given me the courage to explore my entrepreneurial skills in more depth, and in fact, to rely on them for my chosen pathway.

One of my good friends reminded me of a conversation we had when we were teenagers and I had just decided I wanted to study law. She said I told her at that point that I would own my own law firm and would help people. As life moved along and after completing my law degree, I had completely forgotten about this dream, or at least it had not been front of mind for many years, but I am so proud to know that I have not disappointed that young 17-year-old girl who was brave enough to dream big and plant this seed in a little corner of my brain. Many thanks to my younger self and all those people who helped keep that little light on, even when I, myself, had attempted to blow it out several times.

This is the beginning (or continuation) of an exciting new chapter for me, and I expect to continue to grow through this and continue to help shape the lives of all my clients. I want to say a huge thank you to my #1 supporter Michael Ruppert, and all my family, friends, mentors, role models and clients for seeing in me what I could not see for myself and for steadily guiding me to this point.


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